Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsias or air plants

Curly Slim Tillandsia

Tillandsia Curly Slim is a hybrid created in 1981 from the combination of the seeds of Tillandsia Intermedia and the pollination of Tillandsia Streptophylla.
Giant Edithae Tillandsia Ecoterrazas Giant Edithae Tillandsia Ecoterrazas 2
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Tillandsias or air plants

Giant Edithae Tillandsia

Tillandsia Edithae Giant is a large-format specimen derived from Tillandsia Edithae, originally from Peru.
Tillandsias or air plants

Brachycaulos x Caput-medusae Tillandsia

Tillandsia Brachycaulos x Caput-medusae is a hybrid created from the combination of seeds of Tillandsia Brachycaulos and pollination of Tillandsia Caput-medusae.
Tillandsias or air plants

Stricta Hart x Globosa Hybrid Tillandsia

A 32-1 36-1
The Stricta Hart x Globosa hybrid Tillandsia is a specimen composed of two species of great resistance and easy maintenance, the Stricta Hart and the Globosa, the latter being a close relative of the Tillandsia Tenuifolia.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tenuifolia Cocoensis Tillandsia

Tillandsia Tenuifolia Cocoensis is a variety of Teunifolia that is derived from Tillandsia Araujei.
Holm's Twin Star x Holm's Star Gem Tillandsia Ecoterrazas
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Tillandsias or air plants

Holm's Twin Star x Holm's Star Gem Tillandsia

Tillandsia Holm's Twin Star x Holm's Star Gem is a hybrid created in Germany from the seeds of the also hybrid Tillandsia Holm's Star (Tenuifolia x Vaginata) and the pollination of the hybrid Tillandsia Holm's Star Gem (Tenuifolia Vaginata x Aeranthos)
Tillandsias or air plants

Stricta Petropolis Tillandsia

The Tillandsia Stricta Petrópolis is named after the Brazilian city of Petrópolis, also known as the "Imperial City".
Holm's Verlesglo Tillandsia Ecoterrazas
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Tillandsias or air plants

Holm's Verlesglo Tillandsia

Tillandsia Holm's Verlesglo is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of the seeds of Tillandsia Verlescens (Vernicosa x Caulescens) and the pollination of Tillandsia Globosa.
Tillandsias or air plants

Holm's Stropi Tillandsia

Tillandsia Holm's Stropi is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of seeds of Tillandsia Aerantos x Tenuifolia and pollination of another hybrid, Tillandsia Tenuifolia x Stricta.
Tillandsias or air plants

Holm´s Ideal Tillandsia

Tillandsia Holm's Ideal is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of seeds of Tillandsia Globosa and pollination of Tillandsia Sucrei.
Tillandsias or air plants

Holm's Twin Rose Tillandsia

Tillandsia Holm's Twin Rose is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of the seeds of Tillandsia Sticta Hart with the pollination of Tillandsia Twin Star ( (Tenuifolia x Vaginata) x Emerald).
Tillandsias or air plants

Holm´s Durascens Tillandsia

Tillandsia Holm's Durascens is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of Tillandsia Dura and Tillandsia Caulescens.
Tillandsias or air plants

Bob Holm´s Jewel Tillandsia

Tillandsia Bob Holm's Jewel is a hybrid created in Germany from the seeds of Tillandsia Aeranthos Alba and pollination of Tillandsia Sprengeliana.
Araujei Bronce Tillandsia Ecoterrazas
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Tillandsias or air plants

Araujei Bronce Tillandsia

Tillandsia Araujei Bronze is a beautiful variety of Tillandsia Araujei.
Tillandsias or air plants

Aeranthos Wavy Slim Tillandsia

Tillandsia Aeranthos Wavy Slim is a rare Aeranthos specimen, with fine, wavy leaves and a typical Tillandsia Aeranthos inflorescence, with pink bracts and purple petalled flowers.
Brachycaulos multiflora Tillandsia Ecoterrazas Brachycaulos multiflora Tillandsia Ecoterrazas 2
Tillandsias or air plants

Brachycaulos multiflora Tillandsia

A-44-1 / B 5-1 15-1 16-1 3-1 1-1
This tillandsia air plant called multiflora brachycaulos is native to Central America especially in Guatemala and southern México.
Tillandsias or air plants

Pruinosa Silver Tillandsia

A-15-2 / B-13-2
Tillandsia Pruinosa Silver is a variety of Pruinosa native to Colombia.
Tillandsias or air plants

Houston candy Tillandsia

A-40-2 / B-24-1
Tillandsia Houston Candy is a hybrid native to South America, created by combining Tillandsia Stricta and Tillandsia Recurvifolia.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tectorum snow Tillandsia

Tillandsia native of the high mountains of the Andes of Peru.
Cyanea Pulk Tillandsia Ecoterrazas Cyanea Pulk Tillandsia Ecoterrazas 2
Tillandsias or air plants

Cyanea Pulk Tillandsia

A-39-2 / B-22-2
Tillandsia native of Ecuador.
Butzii clump Tillandsia Ecoterrazas
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Tillandsias or air plants

Butzii clump Tillandsia

Air Plant growing in Panama and southern Mexico.

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