List of products by brand Ecoterrazas

Nurseries Ecoterrazas

Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Ionantha Huamelula Pulk

A Tillandsia Pulk or Clump is a natural cluster of air plants that grow together, creating a dense and attractive mass, usually ball-shaped in the case of Ionanthas. Easy to maintain, it adds an exotic and decorative touch to any space. This Ionantha Huamelula Pulk can contain 4 to 6 units, depending on their size.
Neoregelia Domino Neoregelia Domino 2
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Bromeliads. Neoregelia, Guzmania, Vriesea and more

Neoregelia Domino

Neoregelia Domino is a species of the Bromeliaceae family, known for its attractive appearance and vibrant colours.It is an epiphytic bromeliad, which means that it often grows on other plants without being parasitic.This particular variety is prized for its broad, flat leaves, which form a central rosette.The leaves have a distinctive pattern of stripes...
Bromeliads. Neoregelia, Guzmania, Vriesea and more

Neoregelia Amaranda

Neoregalia Amaranda is an epiphytic plant, native to Brazil and belonging to the Bromeliaceae family, known for its attractive foliage and vibrant colours.
Bromeliads. Neoregelia, Guzmania, Vriesea and more

Neoregelia Punctissima Compact

Neoregelia Punctissima Compact is a plant of the Bromeliaceae family, native to Brazil, which is noted for its attractive foliage and ease of care.
Neoregelia Casiopea Neoregelia Casiopea 2
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Bromeliads. Neoregelia, Guzmania, Vriesea and more

Neoregelia Casiopea

Neoregelia Cassiopea is a houseplant belonging to the bromeliad family.It is characterised by its glossy leaves, which form a distinctive pattern in shades of green and reddish.This plant is appreciated for its visual appeal and its ability to grow in indoor environments with filtered light.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Latifolia Vivipara

Tillandsia Latifolia Vivipara is a variety of Latifolia characterized by the ability to create a son at the end of its bracteal spike.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Aeranthos x Bergeri

Tillandisa Tillandsia Aeranthos x Bergeri is a hybrid of two of the hardiest Tillandsias in existence, being able to withstand frost and drought, requiring moderate watering.

Mother's Day Composition

Elegant composition consisting of a glass container with a natural wood base of 11.5 cm in diameter and 16 cm in height, a natural bark support trunk, a sea snail shell, red decorative gravel and a spectacular Tillandsia Houston Candy.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Reilys Best

More information on this specimen will be available soon.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Majestic

Tillandsia Majestic is a man-made hybrid composed of a combination of Tillandsia Chiapensis and Tillandsia Concolor.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Straminea x Mallemonti XL

Tillandsia Straminea x Mallemonti is a hybrid formed by combining the Tillandsias that make up its name.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Argentina

Tillandsia Argentina is an epiphytic species native to Bolivia.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Rainforest Red

If you are looking for an indoor or outdoor plant that is easy to care for and at the same time brings colour and beauty to your home or office, the Tillandsia Rainforest Red is the perfect choice.This Tillandsia Variety is epiphytic and adapts easily to any environment.

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