Tillandsia Nezley is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of the seeds of Tillandsia Mallemonti and the pollination of Tillandsia Usneoides.
Tillandsia Holm's Stropi is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of seeds of Tillandsia Aerantos x Tenuifolia and pollination of another hybrid, Tillandsia Tenuifolia x Stricta.
Tillandsia Morreniana Catopsis is a species native to Costa Rica and Mexico, where it grows epiphytically, i.e. without the need for substrate, clinging to trees with its roots, which it uses as claws.This characteristic makes it an ideal plant for growing indoors, in terrariums or as part of a hanging decoration.
The Tillandsia or Albertiana air plant only grows in a small area in the north of Argentina. This variety of air plant grows in the ravines of the mountains in terrain that is very difficult to access, and the area where this Tillandsia lives has an extremely unpredictable climate.
Scandinavian preserved natural lichen, commonly called polar moss or reindeer lichen.Lichens are composite organisms arising from symbiosis between a fungus and a species of algae.