Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra is an exquisite variety of Ionantha, native to Nicaragua, belonging to the Bromeliaceae family, named for its peculiar colour.
Known for its beauty and ease of care, this little wonder will captivate any plant lover and become an exceptional addition to your botanical collection.
Scandinavian preserved natural lichen, commonly called polar moss or reindeer lichen.Lichens are composite organisms arising from symbiosis between a fungus and a species of algae.
Tillandsia Juncea is an epiphytic and acaulescent species, which means that its leaves grow almost at ground level, from a small, almost imperceptible stem.It is native to countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia and the West Indies, where it grows and develops in latitudes ranging from coastal areas (0 metres) to mountainous areas up to 2500 metres.
La Tillandsia Usneoides Grob Silver, también conocida como "Barba de Viejo" o "Musgo español", es una especie de planta epífita perteneciente a la familia de las Bromeliáceas. Es originaria del sur de Estados Unidos, donde se desarrolla sobre los árboles en zonas pantanosas.
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