Tillandsia Bulbosa x Ionantha is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of Tillandsias Bulbosa and Ionantha.It has the shape of Ionantha but with the leaves of Bulbosa.
The variety of air plant Aeranthos more commonly called Dianthus air, tillandsia Aeranthos is listed as a small plant, this specimen of tillandsia can measure up to 14cm
Tillandsia albida is a stem-growing variety of air plant, this species can form a large colony of specimens in a few years.
The leaves of this plant are white and stiff.
The Tillandsia Paleacea Gigantea Peru is a large size caulescent species native to the semi-desert areas of Peru, in latitudes that exceed 2400 meters above sea level.
The Elongata tillandsia is native to Central America, Yucatan, Jamaica, Trinidad, and northern South America (Colombia, Venezuela Venezuela including the West Indies, Guyana, northern Brazil).