Our Tillandsia Ionantha x Stricta is an air plant belonging to the bromeliad family, known for its unique beauty and ability to grow without soil.Native to Mexico and Guatemala, this hybrid combines the distinctive characteristics of the Tillandsia Ionantha and Tillandsia Stricta species, resulting in a plant of stunning appearance and undeniable charm.
Tillandsia Stricta Hart is a variety of air bromeliad popularly known as "Air Plant".It is characterised by its compact and elegant shape, with stiff, slender leaves growing in a rosette form.It is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, where it is found in humid forests and mountains.
This beautiful hybrid of German origin is a combination of Tillandsia Holm's Pink Star (Aeranthos x Tenuifolia) and Tillandsia Tenuifolia Variety Vaginata.