Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Ionantha Huamelula Pulk

A Tillandsia Pulk or Clump is a natural cluster of air plants that grow together, creating a dense and attractive mass, usually ball-shaped in the case of Ionanthas. Easy to maintain, it adds an exotic and decorative touch to any space. This Ionantha Huamelula Pulk can contain 4 to 6 units, depending on their size.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Latifolia Vivipara

Tillandsia Latifolia Vivipara is a variety of Latifolia characterized by the ability to create a son at the end of its bracteal spike.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Aeranthos x Bergeri

Tillandisa Tillandsia Aeranthos x Bergeri is a hybrid of two of the hardiest Tillandsias in existence, being able to withstand frost and drought, requiring moderate watering.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Reilys Best

More information on this specimen will be available soon.
Tillandsias or air plants

Tillandsia Majestic

Tillandsia Majestic is a man-made hybrid composed of a combination of Tillandsia Chiapensis and Tillandsia Concolor.

Tillandsias belong to the family of the Bromeliads. Most are epiphytes, meaning they live on trees, shrubs, cacti, power lines and telephone lines. Tillandsias are no parasitic, that is not living at the expense of their guests, only used as a support to avoid living in the soil. Some are lithophytes, that is, living on rocks. Most commercial species need much light. 95% of its power comes from the humid air, fog, rain, dust, bird droppings, dead insects in decomposition, etc., falling between the leaves, and are stored and absorbed in their tanks with special scales for this. The other 5% of the power obtained by his new roots that adhere to the bark of its host and absorb moss, leaf litter and other elements dissolved in rainwater.

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