Tillandsia Bulbosa x Ionantha is a hybrid created in Germany from the combination of Tillandsias Bulbosa and Ionantha.It has the shape of Ionantha but with the leaves of Bulbosa.
Tillandsia Ionantha Haselnuss is a fascinating variety of the popular Tillandsia Ionantha family.Native to countries such as Mexico and Nicaragua, this small epiphytic plant has won the hearts of exotic plant lovers.
Tillandsia Eric Knobloch is a hybrid created in New Orleans (USA) at the end of the 1960s and is formed by combining Tillandsia Brachycaulos with Tillandsia Streptophylla.
Tillandsia Reichenbachii is a stunning air plant native to southern Bolivia and northern Argentina.It is a popular species among Tillandsia lovers due to its attractive appearance and easy care.
Scandinavian preserved natural lichen, commonly called polar moss or reindeer lichen.Lichens are composite organisms arising from symbiosis between a fungus and a species of algae.